Thursday, February 16, 2012

Are You Ready to Go Veg....or Almost Ready? Videos to Give You That Extra Push

Different live events, different thought streams influence all kinds of people to go vegetarian. Sometimes it`s a book or a movie that convinces someone to go vegetarian. Sometimes it`s a provocative ad from Peta such as the one on this page. From movies featuring adorable farm animals like Babe to movies discussing the state of our food systems such as Fast Food Nation and Food Inc., there is a movie out there that can potentially convince you to go vegetarian. Forks Over Knives and Vegucated are two of the most popular recent movies that will make you want to go vegetarian.

Here`s are two of my recommendations for movies to go vegetarian over:
The first one is website the meat industry does not want you to see. If you go here:, you can watch the 13 minute movie that will open your eyes to what is really going on in the raising of food animals. If you are so inclined, you can even sign up to try a vegetarian diet for 30 days on the spot.

The second one is Forks Over Knives. This is a movie that examines the claim that most diseases can be controlled, prevented or reversed by rejecting animal based and processed foods.
Here is the trailer for that movie:

If you want to see the whole movie, you can buy it or rent it . There is also a cookbook of Forks over Knives in paper format or Kindle format. Click on the ad on the right to find out more...

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