Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Vegetarian Barbecue Season is in Full Force

Summer is barbecue season for sure! Especially since it`s so hot this year, I find I`m making them more than ever... Meatatarians often wonder what I eat as a vegetarian on a bbq. The answer is...there are so many choices! Where shall I begin... First off, one of my favorites this year is a Veggie Chycken Ceasar Salad. I grill a vegetarian chycken breast (available as a PC Blue Menu product and as Gardein Chycken breasts) on the barbecue and create a delicious salad with romaine lettuce, spring onions, tiny pieces of radish, sweet peppers. I top the salad with my sliced chycken and add a creamy tahini or ceasar salad dressing. My second favorite this year would be grilled portabella mushrooms that I then proceed to stuff with a tofu salad sandwich. You could also used the portabella as the meat in a burger and serve it with a garden salad, a baked potato or an ear of sweet corn. Here`s an article I wrote a while back with lots more ideas! What are your favorite vegetarian barbecue foods? Vegetarian Barbecue Cookout Menu Ideas By Sophia Rodriguez Are you planning a vegetarian barbecue cookout and looking for menu ideas? It will be my pleasure to give you some delicious menu ideas on how to have a vegetarian barbecue. This article is geared towards the vegetarian curious, the vegetarian wannabes and the full fledged vegans and vegetarians who just want to enjoy a simple barbecue with family members. If you are hosting a barbecue, don't even mention that it is vegetarian. Cook some of these delicious options and everyone will be so pleased and full that they will not even know what hit them. If you are going to a barbecue somewhere else, make a call to your host to mention that you are vegetarian and that you will bring your own burger or veggie chicken or whatever else you want to bring. This will make your host conscious of your vegetarianism and will respect that you thought of bringing your own so as not to worry the host. To a meat eater, a vegetarian is often a very mysterious creature. Make it easy and pleasant for everyone and everyone will be happy. Menu Ideas For A Vegetarian Barbecue Portobello Mushroom Burgers: When grilled with an oil and spice mix or with a flavoring such as barbecue sauce or balsamic vinegar, portabello mushrooms make excellent burgers and sandwiches. Grill large mushrooms that have been brushed with oil or sauce for approximately 5 minutes on each side. Use a Panini bread or a ciabatta bun with mayonnaise or nayonnaise, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes and sprouts. Often called the steak of veggie burgers, this one is sure to please. (As long as your guests enjoy mushrooms.) Tofu and Veggie Shish Kabobs: This is a colorful, vibrant meal that will please most any guest. Skewer some mini tomatoes, mushrooms, red onions, zucchini and orange pepper along with marinated tofu cubes and you will be creating art through your barbecue. Vary selections to please different guests. Maybe Linda doesn't like mushrooms and Melody doesn't like zucchini so custom shish kabobs can be the perfect solution to picky eaters and varying tastes. Vegetarian Chicken: Not sure if you all know about this product? Vegetarian chicken is delicious! I know some extreme vegetarians say that all mock meats are processed and therefore not healthy or that they don't want to be eating something that tastes like the real thing, I know a lot more regular everyday folk in North America whose diet would be greatly improved by switching up mock meats for the real stuff. Vegetarian chicken has 24g of protein, 5% fat and a host of vitamins such as 35% Vitamin B12, 60% iron and only 1 g sugar. Clearly a winning choice! Lather your chicken with barbecue sauce or spice rub for even more enjoyment. Veggie Burgers and Hot dogs: These are the quintessential barbecue foods and vegetarians should not be left out. If you consider what is in real hot dogs, eating vegetarian hot dogs is a much smarter and healthier choice. Veggie burgers are very popular and available in the great majority of supermarkets all over North and South America and in probably the rest of the world (although I didn't make it around the globe yet to check it out, lol!) When eating with a bunch of carnivores, the best defense for a vegetarian are these 2 staples. Veggie burgers and hot dogs will get you out of many uncomfortable situations and will go almost unnoticed by the other guests. Vegetarian Barbecue Cookout Accompaniments: Baked potatoes with or without herbed butter sweet potatoes drizzled with olive oil and cumin potato and/or sweet potato fries with oil and spices corn on the cob mushrooms and onions foil packet grilled red peppers as a topping for burgers or to eat just like that Vegetarian Desserts On the Barbecue fruit kabobs grilled pear or peach with your favorite ice cream or rice dream pineapple drizzled with honey and lemon then grilled with or without ice cream tortilla buttered with peanut butter, a banana at centre, chocolate chips sprinkled in, then rolled and grilled on low for 8 minutes is sinfully delicious. 2 thin oatmeal cookies grilled with a piece of chocolate at the centre Do you want to know how to lose weight on a healthy vegetarian diet? Click Here to get slim and sexy, the easy, delicious vegetarian way. Barbecue for Vegetarians Scroll to the bottom of the page to get a Free 7 day Meal Plan for Vegetarians wanting to be healthy. And if you prefer an easy to follow basic vegetarian cookbook, you can go here: Quick Veggie Recipes Article Source: Vegetarian Barbecue Cookout Menu Ideas

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